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August 10th Prisoner Justice Day March!

August 10th is Prisoner Justice Day. On this day world-wide, prisoners and their allies take action to bring attention to the struggle of prisoners.

This year on August 10th, there will be a family-friendly dinner, gathering and march in Hamilton, Ontario in support of prisoners. We are encouraging those with friends and family locked up to come, and anybody who feels contempt for prisons and deals with the affects of incarceration.

Free food and gathering will begin at 6pm in Beasley Park, and then we will march to Barton Jail (Hamilton-Wentworth Detention Center) to show solidarity with prisoners locked up there.

Bring food to share, banners, noisemakers, blankets to sit on, and friends!

We’ll see you there!
August 10th, 6pm, Beasley Park, Hamilton

-Anarchist Black Cross

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Prison Resistance, Southern Ontario.

Running Down the Walls

On August 7th there will be a 5km run/bike/walk/roll as a fundraiser for political prisoners and prisoners of war.

It will be at 1-4pm at Exhibition Park in Guelph.

If you want to run, or sponsor a runner, or for more info, please visit the website:

Below is an introduction from the website:

Theres a million reasons to run. Running down the walls is a 5 kilometer run, roll, walk, jog, or bike connecting North American political prisoners with supporters of on the outside. The effort is aimed at showing solidarity and support for the struggles of radical prisoners through raising funds for legal defense and ongoing material support as well as co-participating in an event with revolutionary people on both sides of the prison walls.

One goal of prison is to break revolutionary minded people into easily controlled and isolated individuals.

On August 7th in Guelph we break that isolation and exhibit our solidarity by participating in the struggle to connect all people  in the struggles for freedom.

Where Does The Money Go

The money is being split between g20 legal defense and the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Warchest to support North American Political Prisoners

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Prison Resistance, Prisoner Resistance, Southern Ontario.

Solidarity Demo Outside Milton Jail

On Thursday July 8, 2010 a noise demo was held at the Maplehurst -Vanier Corrections Complex in Milton, Ontario. This is the second noise demo held outside of this facility, being preceded by one in April of this year.

Around 25-30 people came together to take the streets onto the prison property. A sound system blared anti-prison hip-hop as people encircled the holding cells holding banners with the words “Total Freedom” and “Prison is Revolting” and shooting off fireworks.

At several junctures en route the sound system was turned down to make room for numerous chants expressing our ongoing desire to tear down the walls of isolation to fight together for our freedom. Impromptu speeches were given with the hope that they may be able to hear us on the inside. With the music turned down and only our voices left to fill the air, our chants were matched with the rhythmic banging of our comrades held captive on the inside. We left the prison grounds with an audience of pigs and screws letting us know that we were not welcome in the parking lot and continued down the streets with music blaring.

The climate of repression in Southern Ontario right now is extremely tense in regards to the ongoing investigation by the pigs relating to the riotous events of this past month. A cohesive strategy in how to show solidarity with our friends and loved ones in the face of the repression of this state is always controversial, but many of us saw this action as not only a reminder to those on the inside that they have not been forgotten but also as a continuation of the momentum gathering around resistance to the current restructuring of the prison system taking place in the area.

As an oversight of the organizers, this demo took place during visiting hours. This means that as a result of our actions many people coming to visit their loved ones may have been denied their appointments and we would like to acknowledge this oversight and extend apologies that the appropriate considerations were not taken to ensure that this was not the case.

Nonetheless, this is just one way that many of us have chosen to express our solidarity with those experiencing the isolation and rage of imprisonment, a solidarity that will (maybe) stop when the attacks on our lives come to an end.

Freedom is the crime that commits all crime.

Fire to the prisons and the world that needs them.

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Prison Resistance, Southern Ontario.

Outdoor Film Screening Fundraiser

Hey, we're inviting anyone and everyone out to a film screening of Lucio:
Anarchist, Forger, Bank robber. Bricklayer. The film is being shown at the
Goldie Mill Park Ruins at 8:30 pm. on Thursday July, 29th. The event is by
donation and all of the proceeds will go towards supporting local political
prisoners. Below is a synopsis of the film.


There are plenty of anarchists in the world. Many have committed robbery or
smuggling for their cause.  Fewer have discussed strategies with Che Guevara
or saved the skin of Eldridge Cleaver – the leader of the Black Panthers.
There is only one who has done all that, and also brought to its knees the
most powerful bank on the planet by forging travellers cheques, without
missing a single day of work in his construction job. He is Lucio Urtubia,
from a tiny village in Navarra in North of Spain.

Lucio has been protagonist and witness to many of the historic events of the
second half of the 20th century. His family was persecuted by Franco’s
regime, he was on the streets of Paris for the phenomenon of May of ’68, he
actively supported Castro’s revolution, he helped thousands of exiled people
by providing false documents to them… But without a doubt, his greatest
triumph came in the second half of the seventies.  The press called him “the
good bandit”, or the “Basque Zorro”.  He managed to swindle 25 million
dollars from the First National Bank (now Citibank), to later invest the
money in causes he believed in. Miraculously, he spent no more than a few
months in jail throughout his “career”.

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Southern Ontario.

Queer Brunch Fundraiser and Spandex Wrestling

What: Queer Sunday Brunch Fundraiser/Spandex Wrestling

When: Sunday, July 18th from 10am-2pm

Who is it fundraising for?: Fierce & fabulous 3 / G20 Legal Defence

How much: $8-15 Sliding Scale
Where: 66 Alice st. Guelph, On

Call 519-826-0690 to place a reservation for Brunch

Check out – for more info

This sunday, July 18, 2010 from 10am till 2pm @ 66 Alice st. come out to a delicious sit down brunch, no tax, no tip. Come chill out, sip coffee, eat a hefty meal and throw in a little bit of SPANEX WRESTLING! Food will be served through out the morning and afternoon, but please call 519-826-0690 to make reservations so we know your coming. The meal will be $8-15 sliding scale and meat, vegetarian and vegan options will be available. All funds raised will go towards the legal fees of the Fierce & Fabulous 3 and g20 Legal Defence Fund, more info below:

Who are the Fierce & Fabulous 3?

The Fierce & Fabulous 3 are three members of the Fierce & Fabulous Krew. They were attacked and arrested by University of Guelph campus pigs while outside of an annual drag show on the night of March 5th, 2010. They were brutalized by the pigs during what we see as a very targeted arrest of queers. they’ve all been charged with Assault Police. One has also been charged with a breach of probation and drinking in public. The crown is seeking jail time for these charges.

Who are the G20 Arrestees?

During the G20 Summit in Toronto on June 25-27, over 1090 people were arrested and detained in Kanadas biggest mass arrest. There are still 17 people in custody who are being charged with conspiracy relating to organizing the protests and others facing an assortment of other charges from the protests

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Southern Ontario.

The G20 Legal Defense Fund Needs Your Help!


We need donations to support those arrested at the G20. You can support the detainees’ legal costs and help alleviate some of the other costs of navigating the court system, and help us keep organizing. We will be distributing the funds to those with the most need, prioritizing those still in custody on serious charges. Information below…

From June 25-27, elites from the world’s most powerful economies met in Huntsville and Toronto to draft policies to further exploit the environment and people, bolstering the systems that sustain colonialism, wars and displacement. Tens of thousands of people mobilized in a historic weeklong convergence in opposition to these policies. Daily demonstrations highlighted struggles for Indigenous sovereignty; environmental justice; migrant justice; an end to war and occupation; community control over resources; gender justice; and queer and disability rights.

Over $1.2 billion was spent on security, the most in G20 summit history, which paid for a dizzying array of weaponry and nearly 20,000 police—plus a security fence that turned Toronto into a fortress to host a select few and a police state to terrorize the rest of us.

Nearly 1,000 people, protesters and bystanders alike, were detained—the largest mass arrests in Canadian history. They were held for long periods in makeshift cages in deplorable conditions, most without timely access to legal counsel. Many had been simply caught up in massive police sweeps of public areas.  Others were woken at gunpoint while sleeping. Others were picked up at their homes. Some of those arrested are still in custody. Fifteen face serious charges. Many of these are long-time community organizers.

We need to support all of those arrested during the G20 summit. We must continue to mobilize and build greater solidarity among our communities. An important part of this will be supporting our courageous allies still in detention.

To transfer funds or write a cheque (with G20 Legal defense on the subject line) send donations to: OPIRG York
transit number 00646
institution number 842
account number 3542240

Mail the cheques (written to OPIRG York, with G20 legal defense on the subject line) to:

Toronto Community Mobilization Network
360A Bloor Street W
PO Box 68557
Toronto, ON
M5S 1X0

To use PayPal go to

Thank you for your help. Together we will create a just world that places people and the environment before the profits of corporations and the political elite.

In solidarity,
Toronto Community Mobilization Network

Posted in G20 Update, Southern Ontario.

Ottawa RBC Detainees Update


Ottawa Movement Defense
Friday, July 16th, 2010

Sunday, June 18th marks one month since our friends were arrested and jailed for their alleged connection to the May 18th arson of a Royal Bank of Canada branch in Ottawa, Ontario. The bank remains boarded up, 2 of our friends remain in jail, and a 3rd friend has been released under very strict bail conditions, despite not currently being charged with anything in connection to the alleged RBC arson. Our thoughts are with them this weekend, as they have been constantly since their arrest, and we hope that not many more days will pass before we can see them liberated.
Solidarity With Our Friends Who Are Not Free!
1. Statement to Supporters from Matt and Roger
2. Legal Update
3. Court Support Days
4. Sending Letters of Support to the J18 Defendants
5. No Public/Media Statements
6. Donate to the Legal Fund
7. Hold a Fundraiser
8. Stay Up-To-Date
We would like to thank everyone for their support. It’s much appreciated, much needed, and makes in being in prison more bearable. Although adjusting to life in prison is not easy, everything is more or less alright for now.
Of course, we are both hoping to get out on bail. Getting bail is currently what we are focused on, and this should be the priority for folks supporting us on the outside.
Please remember that right now we don’t want supporters talking to the media or making public comments about us or our case.
If you’d like to know details on how to best support us at this time, contact Ottawa Movement Defense at
In solidarity,
Matt Morgan-Brown, Roger Clement
July 15, 2010
Earlier this month, Claude was released on bail with very restrictive conditions, including a curfew, and a requirement that he reside at a relative’s home. His next court appearance is on Monday, July 19th.
Roger was denied bail previously, and he and his lawyers are now working to prepare for a bail review hearing, which will take place on Friday, July 30th.   The specific courtroom has not been determined yet, but we’ll send that information out as soon as it is confirmed. WE ARE CALLING ON SUPPORTERS TO FILL THE COURTROOM ON JULY 30TH.
Matt Morgan-Brown remains in detention, as well, with his bail hearing set to occur in early August, though no specific date is yet confirmed. While this is a lengthy period of time to wait for a bail hearing, this was a strategic decision by Matt and his lawyer based on other criteria not directly related to this case. We will notify everyone as soon as Matt’s bail hearing date is known for certain.
On each of the following days OMD is calling for courtroom support for the J18 defendants. Court support is vital in that it helps ensures the Crown and legal system treat our friends fairly and with due process. It also sends a clear message to the defendants that their friends, family, and co-workers care, miss them, are concerned for their welfare, and want them liberated immediately.
a) Roger Clement Bail Review Hearing: Friday, July 30th, all day, Courtroom TBA
b) Matt Morgan-Brown Bail Hearing: Early August, all day, Courtroom TBA

Matt and Roger are still being detained at Ottawa-Carleton Detention Centre, where they are only allowed two short visits per week. This cuts them off from their wide support networks during this difficult time as they are facing serious charges.

We encourage you to write letters of support to them. Please tell them that you are with them and support their immediate release.

Their mailing addresses are:

Joseph Roger Clement
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

Matthew Morgan-Brown
Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
2244 Innes Road
Gloucester, ON
K1B 4C4

Your letters of support will be very much appreciated.

PLEASE NOTE: The June 18th Defendants have asked supporters NOT to make public or media statements at this time.

Please be careful when discussing this situation publicly, including online and to the media, as incautious statements may compromise the ability of the accused to defend themselves in court.

Now that this matter is before the courts, we need to ensure the Crown is able to base its case only on substantive evidence, rather than relying on sensational or incautious public comments.



No matter how friendly or intimidating police may appear, or how clever you think you might be in getting information out of them, nothing good can come of voluntarily talking to the police.

If police contact you, please let us know as soon as possible at

Financial support is crucial right now. We must begin fundraising ongoing legal and support costs, which are already quite significant. In addition to legal fees, there are related support costs accrued by Ottawa Movement Defense. These include such things as collect calls from prison, jail canteen, etc.

To donate to the legal defense fund via PayPal, please follow the below instructions:

1.Go to

2. Type in in the “To” box.

3. Type in your email address in the “From” box

4. Type in Amount and find CAD (Can Dollars) in the menu to the right.

5. Click on the “Personal” Tab and check the button “Gift”.

6. Click “Continue”.

7. The next page will ask you to either Log In to your paypal account
or sign up for an account. If you sign up for an account, you can link
up your account to your credit card or bank account.

8. For all transactions, there is a charge of 2.2% of the amount +
$0.30. You can decide whether you will pay this amount or the Ottawa
Movement Defense (in which case this amount is deducted from the
amount you are giving).

For other methods, please contact us at
Please consider organising a fundraiser in your city or within your social networks. We really appreciate the fundraisers people have already organised. There are currently more underway!
If you would like to volunteer and help organise with the fundraising subcommittee, please email us at
Please let us know if you are organising a fundraiser so we can help get the word out.
If you would like to be added (or removed) from the Ottawa Movement Defense announcements list, please write to us:
Ottawa Movement Defense is a legal and political support committee for the June 18th Defendants. We take direction from the June 18th defendants. Our support activities include: coordinating visits, fundraising towards legal and support costs, informing friends and supporters of the court proceedings, etc. We do not provide legal advice to the defendants. Currently, we are not making any statements to the media.
Phone: 613 304 8770
Mailing Address:
Ottawa Movement Defense
207 Bank Street
Suite 453
Ottawa, ON
K2P 2N2

Posted in Repression, Southern Ontario.

Milton, Ontario, Kanada: Solidarity Demo at Prison

(Posted on

On Sunday, April 18th, 40-50 Anarchists and their friends held a noise demo in solidarity with prisoners locked up at the Maplehurst Correctional Complex and Vanier Center for Women. This superprison is located 30 minutes west of Toronto. As the march began, the front sign into the prison was spray-painted with the slogans “against prison” and “against police.” We walked around the (large) perimeter of the institution with banners, yelling fierce chants, lighting fireworks and banging on drums. The prisoners mirrored our excitement with powerful rhythmic banging, yelling and cheering. This enthusiastic response was felt deep in our crew. We were inspired to see the immediate and tangible result of our solidarity. The cops and screws were certainly not pleased with our presence there (and we certainly are never pleased with their presence anywhere). Despite the cops’ intentions, no arrests were made. On the way out we cut through the parking lot to distribute flyers.

Here is the speech that was read through a megaphone twice – once next to Vanier, and again near the maximum security wing of Maplehurst:

“There are about 1900 people locked inside this provincial superprison. Over 2/3 of whom are awaiting trial and haven’t even been convicted of a crime.

“The reason I’m here today is to express solidarity with prisoners locked behind these walls, and all prisoners fighting for freedom. I want the people inside Maplehurst and Vanier to know that they are not alone; that we are thinking of them out here, and we desire to destroy these cages with them. With all its violence and cruelty, repression and isolation, surveillance and harassment, prison is a daily reality that can’t be ignored or tolerated.

“Ultimately, the reason I’m standing here is because I want freedom. Not just this shitty excuse for ‘freedom’ we are offered on the ‘outside’ as long as we stay confined within the realm of acceptable behavior. I want a lot more than that. I want freedom from rape culture and patriarchy, police repression and court battles. I want freedom from borders and deportations, colonization and racism, and freedom from the State constantly dictating my choices.

“We can gain strength to fight for a world that we want to see, and challenge each other to create it. The dim reality that is this fucked up world can be confronted, as the function of prison can be weakened by our solidarity.

“I want to express solidarity with Giannis Dimitrakis, a bank robber and anarchist revolutionary from Greece who has an appeal to his 35 year sentence coming up on April 28. I also want to express solidarity with comrades in Vancouver facing repression and charges for the resistance during the Olympics. This is for all our comrades in Greece and everywhere who are rising up real fierce to tear down the prison-world. Across borders and oceans we can inspire each other and share struggle.

“There are no ‘humane’ forms of incarceration and punishment. Because the one thing the state can never give us is our freedom. This we will always have to take for ourselves.


Here are some chants to share:

“In Every City, In Every Town, Burn Their Prisons To The Ground!”

“They Can Take Our Lives Away, But Not Our Dignity! Our Hearts Will Pound Against The Walls, Until We Are All Free!”

“Prisoners Everywhere, Solidarity and Love! Against The Violence of Capital, Our Struggle Is One!”

“Maplehurst and Everywhere, Fire To The Prisons!”

“Milton To Greece, Fuck The Police!”

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Prison Resistance, Southern Ontario.

Fierce & Fabulous and Guelph ABC presents: A Sunday Fundraiser Brunch

Fierce & Fabulous and Guelph ABC presents: A Sunday Fundraiser Brunch

What: Queer Sunday Brunch Fundraiser
When: Sunday, April 11 from 9am-2pm
Who is it fundraising for?: Fierce & fabulous 3 / Hanlon Creek 5
How much: $8-15 Sliding Scale
Where: 66 Alice st. Guelph, On

Contact for reservations

Check out http://queers519.wordpress.comhttp://Hanloncreek5.wordpress.com – for more info

This sunday, April. 11 2010 from 9am till 2pm @ 66 Alice st. come out to a delicious sit down brunch, no tax, no tip. Come chill out, sip coffee and eat a hefty meal after a night of dancing well listening to some boppin’ pop music. Food will be served through out the morning and afternoon, but please contact us at to make reservations so we know your coming. The meal will be $8-15 sliding scale and meat, vegetarian and vegan options will be available. All funds raised will go towards the legal fees of the Fierce & Fabulous 3 and the Hanlon Creek 5, more info below:


The Fierce & Fabulous 3 are three members of the Fierce & Fabulous Krew, Based out of Guelph, ON, Canada. They were attacked and arrested by University of Guelph campus police while outside of an annual drag show on the night of March 5th, 2010. They were brutalized by the police during what we see as being very targeted arrests. All three are charged with Assault Police. One of the three is also facing a breach of probation and a drinking in public charge, the crown is proceeding summarily against this person and is seeking jail time. There will be updates on the Fierce & Fabulous 3 as court proceedings go on. Check out the “Updates on The Fierce And Fabulous 3″ page on for more info


At dawn on Monday July 26, the last cold water creek of the Hanlon Creek watershed became a flashpoint of resistance. 60 people converged and occupied the site, right where a 4-lane culvert was supposed to be put across a tributary of the Hanlon Creek. Autonomous from any organization, a broad coalition of Land Defenders attracted hundreds of supporters from all over Guelph, Southern Ontario, and other parts of this continent. Lasting for 18 days, this action succeeded in stopping construction for 2009, and has created a huge legal and political battle that continues today.

Within four days of being on the land, the City of Guelph delivered an injunction to try and force people off the land, which would have the threat of police and imprisonment to back it up. Seven people’s names were on the injunction, including a claim for $5 million in damages. With only a weekend to prepare, a legal battle soon began, with courtrooms packed full of supporters. In the end, the occupation lasted for 18 days, eventually ending in injunctions forcing the City of Guelph to stop work and the Land Defenders to vacate the site.

Since then, the City of Guelph has maintained their lawsuit against the remaining five individuals (two of the original people were dropped). In August the City reduced their claim to $150,000, to “recover costs associated with stolen equipment and damage to the property.” Then on February 24 2010, the City changed it back to $5 million, “to ensure that the actual cost of damages incurred to date and potential future damages resulting from protestor activity can be recovered so the business park can move forward without further cost to taxpayers.”

This is a support site for these five individuals, collectively known as the Hanlon Creek 5. While there are five named individuals on this lawsuit, this is an issue that affects all of us. At stake is a 675-acre parcel of land which is important to all of us for a long list of reasons. When individuals get targeted in a SLAPP suit like this, it is intended to send a message to all of us – look what happens when you step out of line. The choice the City would leave us with is to conform to actions that don’t stop business-as-usual, but of course that makes no difference to the ongoing destruction of our planet. The success of our movements requires us to stand up for each other and support those who are targeted.

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Southern Ontario.

Pissed About Prisons! Rescheduled for April 7th

Pissed About Prisons is an evening of stimulating anti-prison activity!

Wednesday, April 7
161 Neeve St.

Film Screening: “Prison World” (from Europe, about anti-prison struggles)
Letter Writing to Prisoners

Open to Everyone!
Pay-What-You-Can – All donations go towards projects in solidarity with prisoners and allies facing legal fees.

See You There!

Posted in Guelph ABC Event, Southern Ontario.