On August 7th there will be a 5km run/bike/walk/roll as a fundraiser for political prisoners and prisoners of war.
It will be at 1-4pm at Exhibition Park in Guelph.
If you want to run, or sponsor a runner, or for more info, please visit the website:
Below is an introduction from the website:
Theres a million reasons to run. Running down the walls is a 5 kilometer run, roll, walk, jog, or bike connecting North American political prisoners with supporters of on the outside. The effort is aimed at showing solidarity and support for the struggles of radical prisoners through raising funds for legal defense and ongoing material support as well as co-participating in an event with revolutionary people on both sides of the prison walls.
One goal of prison is to break revolutionary minded people into easily controlled and isolated individuals.
On August 7th in Guelph we break that isolation and exhibit our solidarity by participating in the struggle to connect all peopleĀ in the struggles for freedom.
Where Does The Money Go
The money is being split between g20 legal defense and the Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Warchest to support North American Political Prisoners