Running Down the Walls 2011 Guelph
Saturday July 30th
1:00-4:00 PM
Exhibition Park, @ London and Exhibition
Run, Walk, Bike or Roll for Political Prisoners and Prisoners of War
On the last Saturday in July, hundreds of people across the continent will participate in solidarity 5k runs in communities and prisons. This collective event, known as Running Down the Walls, has been held annually since 2002. Each year, Anarchist Black Cross chapters, prisoners, and allies, participate in these runs to raise funds for the Anarchist Black Cross Federation Warchest (a fund that sends monthly stipends to political prisoners across North America), and other support efforts for political prisoners and prisoners of war.
Last year, Guelph’s Running Down the Walls drew 30 participants, and we raised over $2000, which was split between the ABCF Warchest, and the G20 Support Fund.
This year, we are aiming to double the amount of participants, and also, in turn, double the amount of funds raised. The money raised from this year’s Guelph run will be split between the ABCF Warchest and living expenses/rent for two G20 defendants, Kelly Rose Pflug-Back and Ryan Rainville.
Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) Warchest
The ABCF Warchest program is now almost 16 years old. Funds from the Warchest are divided and distributed through monthly stipends to political prisoners who receive little or no financial aid. Prisoners use this money to cover the basic necessities of everyday living. Funds have been used by prisoners to pay for stamps, shoes, clothes, as well as assisting their families with what little they can.
Living Expenses/Rent for Kelly & Ryan
Kelly Rose Plfug-Back and Ryan Rainville are two individuals from Southern Ontario facing criminal charges stemming from last year’s G20 summit protests in Toronto. While on house arrest, as well as other court-ordered conditions, it is difficult to earn an income and also retain legal aid as the amount of money one can earn is quite low. Thus one is essentially forced to “choose” between being unemployed/precariously employed or crippled with legal debt. So that is why we are raising money for Kelly and Ryan’s living expenses — to help our comrades get back on their feet (and back to their communities!) after their legal situations are resolved. To make this effort successful, we need YOUR support!
Who is Kelly Rose Pflug-Back?
Kelly Rose Pflug-Back is a grassroots anti-poverty activist from Guelph. She was arrested over the G20 weekend on conspiracy charges and released on bail. On July 21, police issued a news release announcing that she was wanted for 6 counts of mischief over $5000 from the G20 protests. After weeks in jail, she was released on strict house arrest bail conditions. Her conspiracy charges have been since dropped. She remains on house arrest far from her friends.
Who is Ryan Rainville?
Ryan Rainville is an indigenous anarchist who was arrested at the G20 and released on bail. About a month later, he was rearrested on more charges related to the G20 including mischief and assault. He was in jail for almost three months and was rejected bail multiple times. He was finally released on bail on November 9th with very strict conditions. His trial was on April 12, 2011 and is now awaiting sentencing.
Support The Struggle…. Run For It
Run/walk/bike in the 5k – We need participants who can run/walk/bike/roll the 5k and able to collect financial pledges to offer as donations to the run. Raising $50 can go a long way for an imprisoned ally.
Volunteer for the run – We need folks who are willing to staff a registration/literature table, hand out water, put up posters and help chalk the route before the run.
The Struggle Needs Money. Supporting Revolutionaries Makes Revolution.
$20, $50, $200. It all makes a difference. All the money you raise or contribute goes directly to supporting our comrades who are struggling for personal and collective freedom
Donate to the run/sponsor a participant. You can bring your pledge sheets and donations to the Running Down The Walls Event on Saturday July 30th, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM in Guelph or email
If you are not able to attend, but want to support this fund raising effort,
please mail donations written out to Guelph ABC with RDTW in the “memo” line to:
Guelph ABC
P.O Box 183
Guelph, ON
N1H 6J6
Or donate to Guelph ABC through the Guelph ABC website
Want to participate? Want to volunteer? Want to donate? Contact us at
Solidarity with our allies on both sides of the wall!
-Running Down the Walls Guelph
Running Down the Walls Poster 2011